Found Dogs

Cottage Grove Police Department's patrol officers also are responsible for animal control--specifically, stray dogs.  Dogs that are impounded by the police may be temporarily housed at the city dog kennels pending identification of owners.  Additionally, photographs of impounded dogs are placed on the Cottage Grove Police Department Facebook page, a link for which appears on this page.  In addition to traditional licensing identification, Cottage Grove Police Department also utilizes a chip reader to try and get dogs back to their families.  The following describes Cottage Grove Police Department's dog impound policy:

It is the objective of Cottage Grove Police Department to reunite stray dogs with their owners.  In keeping with this objective, when a Cottage Grove Police Department officer takes custody of a stray dog, all reasonable attempts  shall be made to contact the owner or other responsible handler of the dog. If the owner or responsible handler is contacted, the dog should be released and a citation may be issued if appropriate. If the animal is not released, it shall be transported to  the Cottage Grove Police Department holding kennels, where it will be lodged. The transporting employee shall ensure the animal has sufficient food, water, and bedding. Dogs are checked on two to four times per 24 hour period.

The Cottage Grove Police Department holding kennels will be the holding facility for all stray and impounded dogs for the required holding period (3 days if the owner is not known and 5 days if the owner is known). Once the required time has elapsed, CGPD Records section shall  notify the Humane Society of Cottage Grove and advise that a dog(s) is/are available for transport to Greenhill Humane Society.  They are located at 88530 Green Hill RD., Eugene and can be reached by phone: 541-689-1503 or by visiting their website:

When a dog owner or other responsible handler comes to Cottage Grove Police Department to secure release of a dog that is required to have a city license, but has no such license, a citation should be issued for violation of City Ordinance #6.04.030.  Because the offense of not having a dog license is a violation, appearance in court is not mandatory.  The releasing officer should inform the owner or responsible handler of the dog that if, prior to the court date on the citation a city license is obtained, Cottage Grove Municipal Court will dismiss the citation and no fines will be assessed.

The owner, responsible handler, or other party seeking release of an impounded dog, should be required to pay the associated impoundment and daily care fees for the dog. 

Whenever possible, we will post photos of found dogs on our Facebook page. Please select our link below.