2019-20 Adopted Budget Document

The 2019-20  Budget was presented to the Budget Committee on Tuesday, May 7, 2019 at 6:00 pm.  The Budget Committee held a Public Hearing and received comments from the public regarding the expenditure of State Shared Revenues and the Proposed Budget.   

 Notice of Budget Hearing - State Shared Revenue and 2019-20 Proposed Budget

After receiving the Budget Message and reviewing the Proposed Budget the Committee took action to approve the budget and recommend approval to the City Council.  The Approved Budget was presented to the City Council for their final review and consideration for adoption on June 24, 2019.  At that meeting, the Council held two public hearings, one to receive comment regarding the Uses of State Shared Revenues, and a public hearing concerning the Budget.  Staff made recommendations to increase the budget, totaling $7,535, specifically to reflect changes required due to finalization of Collective Bargaining Agreements and other changes in personnel costs.  

The City Council Adopted Resolution No. 1986, Adopting the 2019-20 Budget, Making Appropriations, and Imposing and Categorizing Ad Valorem Taxes.   The Resolution is included in the Appendix.  

The Budget Document is  posted online for your review.  To aid in downloading the budget the entire document has been divided into sections.  The table below lists the Table of Contents of the entire document and provides links to the specific sections of the Budget Document.   Click on the section heading to open that section of the budget document.

Contact the City Manager if you have any questions or comments regarding the budget or budget process.  

 2019-20 Adopted Budget