How Peer Court Works

When an offender is contacted by a police officer, they will be cited to appear before Peer Court. The Peer Court Coordinator will schedule an interview with the offender and their parent or guardian to determine if the offender is eligible for the program and if they agree to complete the program.

An appearance date is scheduled and the offender appears, with a parent or guardian, to have the case heard. The residing Judge will ensure that all legal requirements are met. Students will act as Case Presenters, to summarize the case and present any circumstances that may have an effect on sentence. Finally, a jury composed of other student volunteers and former offenders will decide the appropriate sentence in the case.

Sentencing will normally involved community service, restitution when appropriate, and will always include future service as a peer court juror. At any point during the process, an offender who fails to carry out sentencing is automatically turned over to the Juvenile courts for prosecution. Peer Court allows the offender a "second chance" in avoiding the system. Once the sentence is successfully completed, all record of the offense may be removed from the youth’s legal record.